Even though auto insurance rates often decline as you become older, once you turn 80, you might notice that they start to increase once more. Drivers aged between 81 and 85 are statistically more likely to be in collisions than younger drivers. However, motorists over 80 have the most experience on the road. They also tend to drive more cautiously, less frequently and avoid congested areas of the road than younger drivers do. Keep reading to learn more about automobile insurance for seniors over 80. Things To Know
You should anticipate increased rates once you cross that milestone because insurers frequently view drivers over 80 as a larger risk than younger drivers. However, you might be able to check into alternative programs or discounts to lower your premiums. Senior Discounts You might find lower rates if you demonstrate your competence by passing a safe driving course and have an excellent driving record. Optional Extras You can add several features as optional extras to your over-80s auto insurance policy:
Conclusion Some elderly drivers wonder if they can still purchase car insurance when they turn 80. They can, but rates may be higher due to their age. Therefore, it's crucial to conduct your research to get the right insurance. Good luck. At Jacobs Insurance Solutions, we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. We make sure to go the extra mile to help you with your needs. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (817) 485-8989 or Click Here to request a free quote. Topics and coverage discussed in this article are not guaranteed, consult with your agents to determine what your policy does and does not cover. We are more than happy to help!
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