When you own a car, you need to get auto insurance. You may have separate property damage and bodily injury liability policies if you own a motorcycle. However, there are differences between car insurance and motorcycle insurance that may affect how much you pay and what kind of coverage you receive. Read on to learn more about how motorcycle insurance differs from car insurance. Comparing Vehicles with Two and Four Wheels
It's probably obvious, but there are different guidelines to follow when operating two different vehicles. It is illegal to combine policies for the purpose of keeping both vehicles on the road. The dimensions of your vehicle and the number of wheels are specified in your insurance policy. Car and Motorcycle Insurance Basics While a motorcycle is assumed to be occupied by one passenger at a time, insurance may only cover one person. On the other hand, a car insurance policy may cover the driver and the passengers, especially if your coverage is not limited to basic liability coverage. In many instances, your car insurance may not cover your motorcycle insurance, so you may need to insure your motorcycle separately. Motorcyclists at Higher Risk of Getting Injured Compared to car occupants, motorcycle riders are more vulnerable on the road and more likely to be hurt or killed, with 2019 data indicating 29 times more deaths. According to data gathered that year, riders over 50 accounts for 37% of all fatalities, suggesting that older riders appear to suffer more significant injuries than younger ones. Time Insurers often offer discounts if policyholders reduce their premium payments by driving less. People are aware that car owners use their vehicles year-round, but motorcyclists typically ride less in the winter, and some only ride on the weekends. If you limit your driving to specific seasons, you may qualify for a more affordable policy from your insurer. The monthly premium for standard auto insurance typically remains unchanged throughout the course of a policy year. Conclusion Several differences between a vehicle and a motorbike, are reflected in the kinds of insurance offered to its owners. At Jacobs Insurance Solutions, we aim to provide comprehensive insurance policies that make your life easier. We want to help you get the insurance that fits your needs. You can get more information about our products and services by calling our agency at (817) 485-8989. Get your free quote today by CLICKING HERE. Topics and coverage discussed in this article are not guaranteed, consult with your agents to determine what your policy does and does not cover. We are more than happy to help!
1 Comment
3/15/2023 12:55:45 pm
Thanks so much for talking about how car insurance can often include passengers with claims where motorcycles assume only one person will need to be under coverage. I have a friend who just got her first car and she wants to get insurance for it as soon as possible. We'll have to look into finding a company that can walk her through their policies since this will be her first time getting car insurance she may not know as much as others.
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